The sun has come, the sun has come! I know it's not supposed to stick around, but I can't afford to think like that... this weather too fickle!
The last few weeks have been oh so wet and rainy, but it's given me a chance to get a lot done around the house. For example...
-I finally finished the curtains in Baby's room!
-I filled our freezers with meals for when Baby comes;
-The garden (a.k.a "green things in pots" as the yard will soon be torn to pieces) is looking happy (although it'd be a lot perkier if the sun would show up more often);
-The chicken coop gets cleaned at least every other day;
-We've acquired everything on our "Need to Get Before Baby Comes" list;
-David has started organizing everything on aforementioned list (this involved him re-organizing what I thought I had successfully organized... but my work clearly wasn't up to Hildebrand standards. I stand corrected. And grateful that I married someone who quivers with excitement in the presence of containers, label makers, drawer organizers, closet space savers... wooo... I almost fell asleep there.)
-LOTS of visiting with friends--yay!
All that is left to do is pre-wash our cloth diapers (this needs to be done a few times in order for them to meet their maximum absorbency) and pack the bags for the hospital. Oh. And there are a few more baby books that I need to finish reading so I understand what David's talking about when he mentions sleep patterns, doing the "shuffle" and the risks and rewards of co-sleeping. He's on the ball!
But there are like seven-ish weeks left. Possibly more. [Insert wide eyed "what to do" expression here].
BUT! If the weather does decide to switch into summer mode I have LOTS of bucket list things I still really want to get done! Such as...
-going to Barnston Island at least once for a nice walk or bike ride;
-picking strawberries and raspberries and (if harvest time cooperates) blueberries;
-tubing down the river;
-swimming in the pool a LOT;
-visiting different farmers' markets;
-going to the lake
Let's hope that sun sticks around! I still have my cast tan--and that thing came off a month ago!
Happy Vitamin D Day!