Hey dudes and dudettes! what is up?
you know what's so cool, but at the same time kinda bittersweet? I've been praying alot recently that the Lord would help me to get up early and read the bible and pray. and it's totally be working! in that I don't get outta bed until i've prayed for a couple minutes and read a few chapters. except i can't for the LIFE of me really remember what it is that i've read. i hang out with Jesus at night too, right before bed, but i like the whole "first thing in the morning" thing where it's the start of the day. i mean, how lame is being all like "yah, and uh, i dedicate this day I just had to you and surrender all of me unto You to be used for Your glory... tomorrow?" lol.. i've seriously said that before. like, known how much more focused and alert I am at night so devoted myself for the next day. and don't get me wrong, I think that I kinda need to be in constant reminder of being devoted, so it's a good thing, but at the same time, I want to notice a difference in my day when I don't spend quality time with Christ in the morning. and i mean QUALITY time... i know I'm not there yet. i think i'm gonna start praying for that though... that I'd really really see a change in the days I hang out and surrender first thing and the days I don't. apparently it takes 40 consecutive days to form a habit. but they never really tell you the other statistic--it only takes one day to break it! I think during this Lentish time for me the Lord is calling me to REALLY use it to make some good habits. ooo, it reminds me of that verse in Romans... gimme a sec, lemme find it...
---------I N S E R T -- J E O P A R D Y -- M U S I C -- H E R E -------------------------------------
ahh, most excellent. here it be... not Romans, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 :)
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that WILL last forever! Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it a slave so that after I have preached to others, I myeslf will not be disqualified for the prize"....
and there's also 1 Tim 4:8
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for ALL things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come!"
cool hey?? I mean, this life we live with Christ is awesome, but it takes discipline! i honestly love the feel of training for something, working hard to achieve goals, whether physically or training Billie (my horsie :) ) or in school or whatever! i love it! but it surely does take effort on my part. and that's what it'll take to have a feast with Christ every morning! that and a heaping tablespoon of his grace :)
Wow, another thing He's been teaching me is about blessing people. you know how like, Jacob got Esau's blessing from Isaac? those blessings were powerful! I'm reading The Final Battle by C.S. Lewis and people can actually, like, curse other people! it's like praying to Satan! doesn't that freak you out? it totally shouldn't though because Jehovah is oh so much more powerful, but curses and blessings DO affect people! God's totally been pushing me to pray for people with blessings! like not just "bless so-and-so" but like, the way they blessed people in the old testament! yah... He's so cool :) anyway, i need to get some ZZZZZZZZ's, so i'll see y'all later!
yay for Esperanza! Pray pray pray sooo much into it! Pray and believe and then expect the richest of the blessings and wonders from our Lord Jesus while we're there! Pray for miracles! for wonderous, miraculous, mind-boggling experiences! all to Him,
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every though and make it obedient to Christ!" 2 Cor. 10:5
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