Saturday, January 08, 2005

What have I to say or write? It's been nearly 6 weeks since I've blogged! IS it lack of inspiration? Or IS it really half-hearted motivation? Maybe it's just being bloody distracted. My mind has been sooo everywhere and not God-focussed. Hollow, haggard eyes. Convenient amnesia. Persistently a stubborn apathetic.
That's it! I've had it. I'm done with sitting on my rat's tail doing diddly. Fill me, Jesus! I'm so empty and shallow and eerie... I miss feeling full of the Spirit. Instead what I have feasted on? Movies, entertainment, gossip, fabricated life. That's what it is! Things seem so surreal and awkward because they're not real! They're not the fulfilling of my deepest, most desperate cries. Only Jesus does... He's like protein! a good, essential filler. mmmm, protein. But yeah, and i've been complaining lots recently too. I'm gonna stop groaning and just bloody LIVE! Ready? Set! Three, two, one... GO!
.......and she's off.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enough of the "bloody" and "freakin'". OK? Dad