Wednesday, July 04, 2012

(Less than) Six Weeks to Go!

Well, the countdown is on! Apparently I can go into labour at any point and my midwife won't attempt to stop it. So come, baby, come! But we actually can't deliver in Maple Ridge until I'm at 36 weeks, and that would be ideal... so... give it 11 days and then come, baby, come!

Last week I started having some pre-term labour symptoms, so I had to go into the hospital to be checked out. This is the second time I've had to go in there and be assessed during this pregnancy (the first was when I broke my wrist), and to be honest, it's kind of nice getting to know some of the maternity nurses before I am in actual labour :). I didn't think I was in legitimate labour, but I was excited nonetheless. David, on the other hand, kept saying, "We're not ready! We don't have our labour kit packed!" It was cute, but totally untrue. We (actually HE) has been ready for weeks and weeks, and with the exception of diaper practise, David is 100% on the ball and ready to help get this baby out, fed, loved, and home. I feel like he's done all the work so far! Someone remind me of that point when I'm in active labour. Or don't. I still do karate.

Anyway, we obviously did NOT have a baby on June 23rd. I was a-ok and so was our little dude.  He missed the memo though and was mighty active during the non-stress test; it took TWO HOURS for him to be still for FIVE MINUTES so they could get his baseline heart rate. The nurse and midwife kept giving us pitying looks. I'm pretty sure they think we're screwed. Meh, I can deal with active babies. I think if he was really inactive I wouldn't know what to do!

We had an ultrasound last week to follow up on the position of the placenta. It's at least 4 cm away from the OS so they are not concerned at all--thank you, Jesus! Baby is growing and happy too, so it was a wonderful day of celebration.

I've been looking at some of David's baby pictures to get an idea what our little guy will (probably) look like. I've heard that most babies look like their fathers when they come out; however, my brother's little girl looked like her maternal uncle at first, so I guess the theory isn't foolproof! I would upload a picture of David as a baby, but blogger is being a booger and won't let me. I'll try to remedy that for next time.

And I'm off! The sun IS here and it DOES look like it's going to stick around! Huzzah!! It's swimming and tubing and beach-bumming for me!

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