Wednesday, April 21, 2004

thanks Jesus for the little blessings each day...
like today, for example! I woke up, and lo, it was morning. But hark, it was sunny! And behold, it was also about 20 minutes earlier than I usually rise! I read 2 Peter 2 this morning and it was good. There's this one verse I remember and it goes "make every effort to add to your faith, goodness; and to goodness, faithfulness; and to faithfulness; self-control. In addition to that self-control, perseverence; and to perseverence, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love."
Man, it all comes back to love, hey? I didn't even really know that WE, in and of ourselves, COULD "add to our faith"... but maybe following Christ is 100% trusting Him and 100% personal effort?
someone told me yesterday that they've come once again to the point where they realized that all they really really want in life is to know Christ, but that they've put zero energy into the whole relationship part. Like, they just expected that once they believed, they'd automatically grow closer. i totally fall into that too... just being lazy and all like "meh, my place is secured in Heaven" and then just sorta shrugging off actually

[commercial break to let that sink in]

so back to more of today's blessings:
and so because I was up earlier, i was able to walk to the barn instead of drive. and indeed i did. and the weather is fantabulous! and then at the barn I even had time to quickly brush my horse and pick some plops from his paddock (whew, say that 10 times fast! :)). and i dunno, it wasn't that i had a major spiritual experience, but it made me want to get up earlier EVERY morning, just so that i can have time to wake up and enjoy Jesus in His glorious creation.
and THEN i get to school and forsooth, there be-eth only 4 of us in French 12 instead of our usual 8. pourquoi? ah, because the others are on a Geography field trip, hiking and stuff! (lucky bean curds) But our wonderful teacher was like, "well, i won't give you any more french work.. just catch up on whatever you want to!" and so i did some french and then watched the Physics class destroy a computer with hammers to retrieve the cathode ray nodes something-or-else-thinga-hoojits from inside. that was classic :) they broke ALL of the safely warnings on that thing!
and just now, as I sit in the library, my eyes lit upon the kids book section where they get info for doing reports on animals. well, i honestly was unsure entirely what Prairie Dogs were and where they live, what they eat, etc, etc, so I picked up a "Nature's Children: Prairie Dogs" book and read it! and it was cool! I want to be a Prairie Dog! or at least live like one. here's an excerpt:

"If the prairie dog sees nothing to disturb it, it tilts its head back and makes a few short, sharp sounds, or chirks. With each chirk [btw, what the beans is a "chirk"???] its tail quivers and sems to signal 'all clear!' Soon more prairie dogs come out of their homes. They greet each other with kissing and nuzzling. When morning greetings are over, the business of the day begins. The prairie dogs feed busily, bask in the sun, take dust bathes, visit neighbours or wash themselves."

sounds pretty good to me! but yah, i guess i really don't have much more to say... i'd like to pray more with people. i haven't done that recently and i really miss it. and i think one day i would love to live in a community that's just like a prairie dog town!
Right now i'm into:
music: Dido (Mary's in India, Don't Leave Home), oldies, anything that's NOT from The Sound of Music :)
food: try Turtle Cheesecake, my friends!
smells: sunny morning air, and my baby cousin's hair
books: Jillian Jiggs... reliving that childhood, baby!
Bible story: The Israelites winning that battle because Moses held his hands up the whole time... sweet action

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