Friday, October 04, 2013

Costume of Epic Proportions


We need them, we feel them, and we are so blessed by them.

Judah is finished private therapy for his neck: PRAISE THE LORD! It was a very packed 6 weeks of driving back and forth to Surrey every other day for intensive 45 minute sessions, but hallelujah!--We are done! And even better than that... Judah's neck is WAY better! Way stronger! Way straighter! It was all worth it.

We are continuing to do maintenance physio at home and see a public health therapist every few weeks, but that's small potatoes compared to what it was like. Huzzah! God is good, all the time!

Judah's next helmet appointment is on Wednesday... and here's hoping that his head grows by then. Haha. How long has it been? Five months? He packs away food like a hibernating bear (and grunts like one too), but it's obviously not making it's way up to expand his head circumference. He has another appointment on the 30th... so he could be Helmut free for Halloween (which doesn't really matter because we're not big into that event.. but we are going to a super awesome neighbourhood harvest party on the 31st, so we will dress him up and let him totter through the festivities).

So on that note, I need some toddler-friendly costume ideas that incorporates Helmut! :) David wants him to be Megaman (I had to google this... I am so so so much younger than my handsome husband ;)) and I think he would make a pretty awesome gladiator. Nothing with a mask (Ironman, etc) as I don't think Hawk will tolerate that very much!

Feel free to leave your costume suggestions beneath the link on Facebook :).

Happy Fall!


1 comment:

Janet Metzger said...

Is this the end of your posts on Judah's head? We have just started this journey with our little boy (saw Alan last week : )) and are on Day 3 of starting the helmet wearing. I would love to know how Judah's story ended. I am expecting some of these rash issues. Did he finally have another 'grow"? How many mm did they get it to within?
Thank you!