Thursday, March 21, 2013

And Now I Count My Blessings

We saw Alan the orthotist again today for the new rash that has developed under Helmut. He removed Helmut, made a few more ventilation holes (speed holes for crawling, right, Hawk? :)), and checked the fit once again. Alan popped Helmut on but removed it immediately because it wasn't sitting centered on Judah's head. During that seven second action a large, red welt appeared on Judah's forehead. Alan looked at me with raised eyebrows and commented, "Wow, he sure does mark up quick."

It's true. Judah often has red cheeks (well, he seems to be perpetually teething) and one thirty second bout of crying leaves him with big splotchy blotches of red that hover across his face and head. David and I don't have skin sensitivity, eczema, asthma or allergies--all which are hereditary. We're not sure why Judah tends to have really sensitive skin and is prone to rashes and eczema... but I'm inclined to blame Monsanto.

All to say, Alan suggests that we have Hawk re-scanned at Children's Hospital and fitted for a NEW Helmut. This one will be made of softer material which, according to OrthoAmerica, causes less skin irritation. However, it's thicker and denser... which leads to excessive sweating.

Hey, this kid is gonna be naked this summer. Accept that.

So Alan made us an appointment next week at Children's for the scan. BUT! We have until Sunday night to decide whether or not we actually go. If Judah's rash clears up by then we will not need a new Helmut. Please join us as we pray for God's will to be done and for grace to accept his plan!

Now for the goodness...

Life. It IS good. Sure, there are crappy moments. Some really crappy moments at the moment. But overall? We're BLESSED. In fact, the blessings far outweigh the trials. Let's see...
1). We are so loved by our King!
2). For the most part we are all healthy, strong and filled with joy
3). I am married to the most loving, kind, funny, caring, protective, honest, hard-working, servant-hearted man of God - and he just happens to be the handsomest man on earth!
4). We've been blessed with a bouncing, bubbly little Hawk who brings us joy every second of every day
5). We're surrounded by compassionate, helpful, loving family and friends
6). We're a part of a vibrant, Christ-centre church community
7). David has a great job and I get to stay home and care for Judah
8). We live in a safe, beautiful country
9). We have the opportunity to learn, grow, explore and delight in the great outdoors
10). We have a funny little hunter cat and delightful clucky hens (and a wee fishy)

So all in all, we're doing fine--heck, better than fine! For
"22Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”
25The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him;
26it is good to wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord."
(Lamentations 3:22-26)


1 comment:

Karen Davies said...

So wonderful that you can continue to count your blessings, amid the tribulations!!