ok, so girl's week is over. we bought our men (all 7 of them) flowers and chocolate and sent them to Camp Evergreen with our female leader when we had the leader switch. The guys loved it, so us girls loved it.
oh my goodness, my friend Geoff is writing his speaker report right now and he asked me and Megan and Xena what we would do if we had one week where we could be a guy. I figure that I'd pee on trees and write my name in the snow, grow facial hair, and walk around without my shirt on. anyway...
ok, so yesterday a couple of us went to the gym in Sundre and then to the IGA to buy ingredients to bake stuff for the Christmas party. and then the people at camp told us that there's a cougar about! So today me and Jeffrey went and followed its tracks. but we couldn't find it. bummer. oh! and the river is (partially) frozen and Niki was running across it and fell through. but only got wet up to her thigh. it was hilarious though. and then tonight me and Laura made gingerbread cookie dough to bake tomorrow for our Christmas party on Tuesday! hurrah! i hope it'll be awesome. we're doing Secret Santa. all i want from my secret santa is crochet or knitting needles and yarn. EVERYONE here knits. and i want to too. i got my Secret Santa a elastic band wooden gun from Banff. His name is Kevin and he looks like one of the Sedin twins from the Canucks. and when he was a kid his dad gave him and his brothers guns, but his mom made them eat EVERYTHING they killed (as an incentive to not shoot random creatures). but he's had squirrel pot pie and stuff... gross.
Ok, so our speaker, Hugo Reimer (yay! another Menno :)) arrived tonight and we invited him to play Clue with us ("us" being Katie, Xena, Geoff, Niki, and meeee). So we explained the rules and passed out the cards and started. and it was great! Except that we realized at the end that we were only playing with 17 of the 21 cards. bahh! it was so funny though because we all were CERTAIN that we KNEW who done it, with what, and where, but we were all so so wrong.
what else? hmm.. i'm coming home on Wednesday December 8th at 12:13 pm at the Abbotsford airport. if you wanna come, i'd LOVE to have you! wohoo! anyway, it's Katherine Elizabeth Butz's time on the internet. so i should go. and go to bed too. later tater tots!
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